Mark your calendars for the 2012 ASIL Midyear Meeting and Research Forum, October 19-21, in Atlanta and Athens, GA.
Events will take place in Atlanta on October 19 and at ASIL Academic Partner University of Georgia School of Law in Athens, October 20-21.
Highlights will include a career fair, panel discussions, keynotes, and the Second Annual ASIL Research Forum, as well as the fall meeting of the Society’s Executive Council.
Call for Scholarly Papers
ASIL Research Forum
The American Society of International Law calls for submissions of scholarly paper proposals for the ASIL Research Forum to be held at the University of Georgia School of Law on October 20-21, 2012.
The Research Forum, a Society initiative introduced in 2011, aims to provide a setting for the presentation and focused discussion of works-in-progress by Society members. All ASIL members are invited to attend the Forum, whether presenting a paper or not.
Interested participants should submit an abstract (no more than 500 words in length) summarizing the scholarly paper to be presented at the Forum. Papers can be on any topic related to international and transnational law and should be unpublished (for purposes of the call, publication to an electronic database such as SSRN is not considered publication). Interdisciplinary projects, empirical studies, and jointly authored papers are welcome. Member proposals should be submitted by April 23. Proposals will include 1) the name, institutional affiliation, professional position, and contact information for the author(s), and 2) an abstract. Review of the abstracts will be blind, and therefore abstracts should not include any identifying information about the author. Abstracts containing identifying information will not be reviewed. Proposals will be vetted by the Research Forum Committee with selections to be announced by July 15.
For full details and to submit proposals, click here.